Re-Elect Daryl Campbell on Election Day!


I will be a champion for those things that concern you and tirelessly fight for your rights.

I will Continue to be


Why Re-Elect Daryl Campbell….

During my first term as your Representative for District 99, I have been committed to providing essential resources and maintaining an open dialogue with our community. I have successfully secured $10.4 million in funding for our district, which has been allocated towards crucial initiatives such as healthcare, housing, and job creation. This includes $6 million for the treatment, care, and research of sickle cell disease patients and $250,000 towards creating job opportunities for individuals with firsthand experience of homelessness. These efforts ensure that our community receives the support it needs to thrive.

In addition to securing resources, I have prioritized staying connected with you through regular town halls in each of our cities. These community conversations have provided a platform for legislative briefings and open discussions in allowing me to provide updates, hear your concerns and collaborate on solutions that directly address the issues we face. By maintaining this transparent and responsive approach, I have been able to effectively advocate for our community’s needs. As I seek re-election, I remain dedicated to being your voice, championing your concerns, and continuing to provide the resources and support that our district deserves.

#Campbell4StateRep #District99 #ForwardProgress

Building on Success

I developed skills to handle crises and acquire supportive services for individuals.

Trusted Leadership

 I will be a champion for those things that concern you and tirelessly fight for your rights.

Proven Progress

I will advocate on behalf of our community to ensure that those issues affecting us are addressed.


Vote Campbell a Forward Progress You Can Believe In.

Join me as I continue to move the leadership of District 99 Forward!